مرشحات لامتحان التمهيدي انكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020

مرشحات انكليزي سادس ابتدائي لامتحان التمهيدي 2020 , مرشحات السادس الابتدائي لمادة الانكليزي للامتحانات الوزاريه التمهيديه للعام 2020/2019 , اهم الاسئله الوزاريه لمادة الانكليزي للسادس الابتدائي 2020 , افضل الملازم لانكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020 , تحميل ملازم السادس الابتدائي مادة الانكليزي 2020/2019 , امتحان التمهيدي انكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020 , الامتحانات التمهيديه للدراسه الابتدائيه للسادس الابتدائي 2020 , 

مرشحات واسئلة مهمه لانكليزي السادس الابتدائي لامتحان التمهيدي للعام 2020/2019

(Reading comprehension
Q1(there are six ways to stay save online 1-be nice to people online 2-be careful about what you share(picture- thoughts) 3-keep your personal information safe 4-keep your password safe you should( use letter, capital letter, number and symbols) 5-never meet a person that you only know online and if you find something you don't like
online tell your parents or your teacher) (true) or (faise)
1-you shouldn't share your thoughts with friends  (faise}
2-this is a good password 1 2 3 (false)
3-if you don't like something online .tell your teacher (true)
4-you must never meet people that you only know online (true)
5-you should never keep your personal information safe (false)
6-its,s a bad idea to put your phone number online (true)

Q2 Reading comprehension
(wood comes from trees. A lot of furniture is made of wood. Paper is usually made from wood too. Rubber comes from a rubber tree. Car tyres are made from rubber. Cotton comes from a planet .the English word (cotton) comes from Arabic. Leather is used for many things such as shoes .boots Jacket. And bags most leather comes from cows’ wool a very warm and cool material too. Cashmere from cashmere goats)
1-the word (cotton) comes from the Arabic word. (true)
2-cashmere wool comes from cashmere dogs. (false)
3-papere is usually made from cotton. (false)
4-rubber comes from a tree. (true)
5-all furniture is made from wood. (faise)
6-most leather comes from cows. (true)

Q3/ Text book
1- another word for a cook is---- ( chef - waiter )
2-a waiter is a person who works In a ( from - waiter)
3-paper can be made from many different things (true—false)
4-the family can use the laptop in different rooms (true-faise)
5-it,s a good idea to write your password down and keep it safe (true-false)
6-what did George crume invent (potate chins- potate fries)

Q4/ text book write (true)or(false)
1-lam using paper now. (true)
2-paper is all around us at home and in the classroom.( true )
3-the first paper was made in china. (true)
4-the ancient Egyptian didn't know how to make paper. (false)
S-only three things are made from paper. (false)
6-paper can be made from many different things.(true)

1-How--------is Ahmed (old—many) 
2-How many brothers ----—--(does—do) 
3-A housewife work--------home (on—at)
4. ----------swim very well.(l can—can I)
5-Ali lives in Dubai --------he works in Dubai.(but--and)
6-1 --------football in the garden yesterday.(play—played)

Q6/ Hand writing and punctyation (stay safe at school and online) (Stay safe at school and online ,)

Q7/ Hand writing and punctuation (where does wisams mother work she works ina hospital)
(Where does Wisam's Mother work ? She in a hospital )

مرشحات لامتحان التمهيدي انكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020

مرشحات لامتحان التمهيدي انكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020

مرشحات لامتحان التمهيدي انكليزي السادس الابتدائي 2020

تحياتي لكم
احمـــــــد الداوودي
وتمنياتي لكم بالموفقيه والنجاح وبلوغ اعلى المراتب
شكرا لكم لمتابعه المنشور الى النهايه

التعريف بالموقع : 
هذا الموقع تابع لاحمد الداوودي بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع احمد الداوودي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك