مراجعه شامله مادة الانكليزي سادس اعدادي 2020 لمفردات اختيار الكلمة المناسبة التي تاتي احيانا في سوال الثالث فرع ( B )

المفردات اختيار الكلمة المناسبة التي تاتي احيانا في سوال الثالث فرع ( B ) بدل سؤال التوصيل او تاتي بغير سؤال او ياتي هذا السؤال وايضا ياتي سؤال التوصيل (جميع تمارين المفردات والاسئلة الوزارية مهمة جدا )

مراجعه شامله مادة الانكليزي سادس اعدادي 2020 لمفردات اختيار الكلمة المناسبة التي تاتي احيانا في سوال الثالث فرع ( B )

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
اطيب التمنيات واحر التحيات لكم اخوتي اقدم لكم من قناة احمد الداوودي للمدونه

1-( could | speak to , want to ) talk to Mr. Hazem ?

2-(will, May ) | ask who calling ?

3-( This, That) isSamirEsam. 2016 -1

4-( Just a moment , Just wait ) please .

5-Good morning ( Is that , Are you ) Mr. Hazem? 2017 -2

6-1 m calling ( about , because ) you are advert in yesterday paper. 2016 -1

7-All right then ( Would , do ) you like to come in for an appointment?

8-Yes, | would ( What is a good time , When do I come }

9-The Land Force ,the Navy The Air Force are all ( branches , types ) of military 2018 -2

10-You must be 18 years old to (belong , join ) the military) 2015-1, 2017-2,

11-The mititary needs people to ( care of , maintain ) its equipment and vehicles. 2018-2

12-tn the military, you can take a test to become an ( officer, official) 2015-1 , 2016-1 , 2016-T

13-!f you pass this test, you have more responsibility and you ( investigate , supervise ) other people. 2019-1

14-When you leave the military , your training can help you find a ( criminal , civilian ) job    2019-1

15- When the plane takes off, you have to ( fasten , attach ) your seat belt. 2019-1

16-To cross the river we had to ( sail , board ) a ferry . 2015-1, 2017-2, 2018-1, 2029-1, 2019-2

17-The ferry ( works , operates ) throughout the year. 2018-1, 2109-1
18-The holiday completely lived up to my ( wishes , expectations )

19-1 can ( honestly , absolutely ) say that it was the best holiday | ever 2018-2 , 2019-2,

20-We ( considerably , thoroughly ) enjoyed all the entertainment .

21-My father ( opened , made ) an account for me when | was quite young. 2019-2 , 2018-2

22-1 ( deposited , installed ) 5 million Iraqi dinars this morning . 2016-1 , 2018-1

23-Banks usually ( pay , charge ) a fee if you are overdrawn 2019-1

24-1f you (stay , maintain ) a minimum balance, you don’t have to pay fee.

25-1 can ( take , make ) a withdrawal at an ATM at any time . 2019-1, 2017-2, 2018-2

26-Some accounts ( cost , pay ) more interest than others. 2015-1 , 2019-2 , 2018-1

27-1f something has disappeared you (can see it , cant see it ) 2019-1

28-Hf you ( dislike , distrust ) someone you don’t have confidence inthem. 2016-1

29-Lets go on a( package , packed ) deal towalk. 2016-7

30-My ( ankle , elbow ) hurts. | cant walk. 2016-T

31-She is a ( geometric , medical ) student . She should qualify as a doctor. 2016-1

32-At Spolice were ( called , alerted ) by Mr. Smith.

33-If you distrust someone you ( don’t have confidence in them , don’t agree) 2018-1

34-1 can ( honestly , absolutely ) say that it was the best holiday | ever had .

35-Trees are ( renewable , non ernewable ) source of energy.

36-An elbow is a ( join , joint ) in the arm.

37-A large meeting to discus something is a ( conference , workshop) 2016-1

38-If you don’t have confidence in someone you ( distrust , discourage )

39- Take two of these ( bills / pills ) twice a day.

40- | can’t (swatlow / swollen ) | have a sore throat.

41- Look! Probably your ( wrist / heart) is fractured.

42- ( Diabetic / Diabetes } is a deadly disease.

43-Tariq felt that something ( pulled / pushed ) him.

45- Put this ( plaster / cream ) on your dry skin

46- You must pay a ( fine / file } when you get a ticket.

47- The cards can be used at any ( PIN / ATM ).

48- Banks pay ( fee / interest ) for your money.

49- You can use card easily if it is (valid / expired ).

51- She got a( loan / lone ) to buy a car.

52- A (witness / pickpocket ) is a person who saw or heard something

53- He wants to fly. { think he likes the ( air force / land force ).

54- A (balance / transaction ) is the total amount of money in your account.

55- The ( savings / current ) account needs a minimum balance.

56- ( Pollution / Conclusion ) is the process of damaging the environment.

57- It's about 300 people die per( day / year ) because of smoking in UK.

58-Natural ( sources / resources ) are materials that are found in nature.

59-We often say,Bless you when somebody(sneeze , coughs) on every day

نتمى منكم الاشتراك بقناة التلكرام 
رابط قناة التلكرام هنااااا
رابط صفحة الفيسبوك هنااااا
رابط قناة اليوتيوب هنااااا
رابط المدونه الرئيسيه هنااااا
تحياتي لكم
احمـــــــد الداوودي
وتمنياتي لكم بالموفقيه والنجاح وبلوغ اعلى المراتب
شكرا لكم لمتابعه المنشور الى النهايه
التعريف بالموقع : 
هذا الموقع تابع لاحمد الداوودي بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع احمد الداوودي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك