ملزمه ممتاز لمادة الانكليزي للسادس العلمي والادبي للعام 2020 مع حل الاسئله الوزاريه للسنين السابقه

الملزمه الذهبيه لمادة الانكليزي للسادس العلمي والادبي حل وزاريات من 2014 الى 2019 ولكل الادوار

ملزمه ممتاز لمادة الانكليزي للسادس العلمي والادبي للعام 2020 مع حل الاسئله الوزاريه للسنين السابقه 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اطيب التمنيات واحر التحيات لكم اخوتي اقدم لكم من قناة احمد الداوودي للمدونه وفي التلكرام واليوتيوب لاسئله الصفوف كافه من فديوات وصور على المدونه وخاصه الصفوف المنتهيه والغير منتهيه للعام الدراسي 2020 ولكل محافظات العراق لاسئلة نصف السنه ونهايه السنه زورو الموقع الخاص بالاسئله على موقعنا احمد الداوودي .

هذا المكتوب هوا للمعاينة من صفحات الملزمه لشرح بشكل ملخص وسهل لمادة الانكليزي حلول للاسئله الوزاريه السابقه من 2014 الى 2019 مكون من 243 صفحه بالكامل موجوده في الملف الموجود اسفل المقال وهو ملف نوع (PDF) تكدر اتشوفه فقط معاينه او اتنزله على الموبايل او الحاسوب لانه مرفوع على كوكل درايف drive google اذن للوضوح اكثر ادخل على الرابط اسفل المقال .

Aman who had broken his right leg was taken to a hospital a few weeks before Christmas . He was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital. Though the doctor did his best , the patient's recovery was slow . On Christmas day the man still had his right leg in plaster . he spend a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing . The following day ; however the doctor comforted him by telling him that his chance of being able to leave hospital in time for new year celebrations were good .when the man left the hospital he was excited and sure enough on New year's Eve be was able to walk with the help of a stick to a party . the man enjoyed himself completely and kept telling everybody how much he hate hospitals . He was still saying something about hospitals at the end of party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg .

Now answer (five) of the following questions :
1. What hopes did the doctor give the patient ?
2. How was the patient's day in the hospital ?
3. When was the man taken to hospital ?
4. How did the man break his left leg ?
5. Choose a suitable title for the passage .
6. What was the patient afraid of ?


1. the doctor comforted him by telling him that his chance of being able to leavehospital in time for new year's celebration were good
2. the patient's day was miserable .
3. he was taken to the hospital a few week before Christmas .
4. he broke his left leg by slipping on a piece of ice
5. Christmas in hospital
6. he was afraid of spending Christmas in hospital


Diabetes is a disease that affects millions of people around the world . About 1.5 million people a year die from diabetes , and on real cure has been discovered for the disease . people who suffer from diabetes have high blood sugar levels , because their bodies are not able to produce enough insulin . Diabetes can be sometime inherited from your parents . but also be caused by your lifestyle ; being overweight , having a poor diet or being stressed can also case diabetes . the effects of diabetes can include feeling very thirsty or hungry , losing weight very quickly , problems with your eyes and skin and heart disease . although there is no cure for diabetes , it can be treated by injections of insulin , as well as losing weight and taking regular exercise

New answer (five) of the following questions:
1. What is diabetes ?
2. Write two causes of diabetes .
3. How can diabetes be treated ?
4. Scientists have discovered cure for diabetes .( a, true b, false)
5. Diabetes can be treated by .......... (a. drinking water _ b. eating more  c.regular exercise)
6. Give a suitable title to the passage .


1. diabetes is disease that affects millions of people around the world .

2. the causes of diabetes are ;
a. the inherit it from their parents .   b. it's caused by the lifestyle .
c. being overweight d. having a poor diet   e. being stressed

3. it can be treated by ;
a. injection of insulin . b. losing weight . c. taking regular exercise.

4. b. false.

5.  c. regular exercise .

6. Diabetes.

هنا رابط الملزمه الموسعه بشرح سهل
( لمادة الانكليزي للسادس العلمي والادبي 2020)

نتمى منكم الاشتراك بقناة التلكرام 
رابط التلكرام هنااااا
رابط الفيسبوك هنااااا
رابط اليوتيوب هنااااا
رابط المدونه الرئيسيه هنااااا
تحياتي لكم
احمـــــــد الداوودي
وتمنياتي لكم بالموفقيه والنجاح وبلوغ اعلى المراتب
شكرا لكم لمتابعه المنشور الى النهايه
التعريف بالموقع : 
هذا الموقع تابع لاحمد الداوودي بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع احمد الداوودي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك