مرشحات اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط 2020 مع حلول الاسئله الوزرايه للسنين السابقه

مرشحات مادة اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط وجميع وزاريات القطع الاستيعابية - ونصوص الكتاب مع الحلول 2020

مرشحات اللغة الإنكليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط 2020 مع حلول الاسئله الوزرايه للسنين السابقه 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اطيب التمنيات واحر التحيات لكم اخوتي اقدم لكم من قناة احمد الداوودي للمدونه وفي التلكرام واليوتيوب لاسئله الصفوف كافه من فديوات وصور على المدونه وخاصه الصفوف المنتهيه والغير منتهيه للعام الدراسي 2020 ولكل محافظات العراق لاسئلة نصف السنه ونهايه السنه زورو الموقع الخاص بالاسئله على موقعنا احمد الداوودي .

هذا المكتوب هوا للمعاينة من صفحات المرشحات المكون من 15 صفحه بالكامل موجوده في الملف الموجود اسفل المقال وهو ملف نوع (PDF) تكدر اتشوفه فقط معاينه او اتنزله على الموبايل او الحاسوب لانه مرفوع على كوكل درايف drive google اذن للوضوح اكثر ادخل على الرابط اسفل المقال .

Q1) A- Read these texts carefully.
work as a fire fighter in the fire station in my city. Yesterday arrived at the fire station at 6 a.m. checked everything as usual. Our first call was at 8 o'clock. We were called to an accident on the ring road. The police helped us to get there fast. One car was on fire and another car was upside down on the road. Fortunately, the driver of the burning car was standing by the side of the road. However, the driver of the other car was trapped. We put out the fire quickly and got the second driver out. He was badly injured. Then at the same night we were called at 12 o'clock because there was a fire in a big mall in the middie of the city. When we got there, the fire was burning strongly. The heat was terrible and some people were trapped inside. We put out the fire and we could go into the building and saved all the people. But some people had to go to the hospital. At the end of the day I was tired and upset about the accidents.

Now answer the following questions:
1. When did the fire fighters arrive at the fire station? At 6 a.m. yesterday

2. What happened to the two cars? One car was on fire and another car was upside down on the road

3. Was the driver of the burning car injured badly? No, he wasn't

4. Who helped the fire fighters to go to the place of the first accident? The police

5. No body died in the two accidents? (True / False)

6. Some people were trapped in the burning mall, but all of them were saved. (True / False)

7. The writer was happy and relaxed at the end of that day. (True / False)

B- Answer the questions below using the information from your text book:
1. The “panther 3.0D” has seats for eight people. (True /False)

2. Before the falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat. (True / False)

3. Lucy's brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents. (True / False)

4. Where can Marsh Arabs be found? (Answer) In the south-east of Iraq

5. From an early age, Ibraheem was interested in animals (Complete)

Q2) A- Read this text carefully:
My name is Tariq Salim. | am Libyan and | arrived in Baghdad yesterday. | came to study medicine at Baghdad University. This is my first visit to lraq. | arrived at Baghdad International Airport at ten o'clock last night after a nice journey. Then | took a taxi to the hotel. I'll stay in it for a few days before | move to a university hall.  couldn't go out to see Baghdad that night because | was very tired. The next day | woke up early and after | had eaten my breakfast, | decided to go and see the people at the university. In the garage | asked a man to show me the way to the university. Then I took the first bus. After one hour, the bus came to the last stop but the university was not there. | asked the bus-driver about the university. The driver told me that the university was on the other side of the city and | had taken the wrong bus.

Now choose the most suitable answer:
1. Tariq came to Baghdad to ....................
(a. see the ruins b. study medicine c. visit some friends)

2. Tariq couldn't get to Baghdad university because he ...............
(a. was very tired b. couldn't catch the bus c. took the wrong bus)

3. Tariq arrived Baghdad Airport in the .............
(a. morning b. evening c. afternoon)

4. The journey was ............and Tariq enjoyed it.
(a. nice b. horrible c. terrible)

5. Tariq was from ...........
(a. Libya b. Lebanon c. Iraq)

6. Tariq visited Iraq .........
(many times b. for the first time c. two years ago)

رابط المرشحات لمادة الانكليزي
لصف الثالث متوسط 2020/2019


نتمى منكم الاشتراك بقناة التلكرام 
رابط قناة التلكرام هنااااا
رابط صفحة الفيسبوك هنااااا
رابط قناة اليوتيوب هنااااا
رابط المدونه الرئيسيه هنااااا
تحياتي لكم
احمـــــــد الداوودي
وتمنياتي لكم بالموفقيه والنجاح وبلوغ اعلى المراتب
شكرا لكم لمتابعه المنشور الى النهايه
التعريف بالموقع : 
هذا الموقع تابع لاحمد الداوودي بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع احمد الداوودي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك

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