اسئلة اختبار نموذجيه للوحده الاولى لمادة اللغه الانكليزيه للسادس الاعدادي 2020

اسئله اختبار الوحدة الاولى انكليزي سادس اعدادي مهم عند المراجعة لعام الدراسي 2020/2019

اسئلة اختبار نموذجيه للوحده الاولى لمادة اللغه الانكليزيه للسادس الاعدادي 2020

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
اطيب التمنيات واحر التحيات لكم اخوتي اقدم لكم من قناة احمد الداوودي للمدونه وفي التلكرام واليوتيوب لاسئله الصفوف كافه من فديوات وصور على المدونه وخاصه الصفوف المنتهيه والغير منتهيه للعام الدراسي 2020 ولكل محافظات العراق لاسئلة نصف السنه ونهايه السنه زورو الموقع الخاص بالاسئله على موقعنا احمد الداوودي .

Q/1)Read the passage carefully Diabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus,describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar)( a disease in which the body’s ability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin ) either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both. Patients with Type 2 diabetes are usually treated with tablets, exercise and a special diet, but sometimes insulin injections are also required. If diabetes is not adequately controlled the patient has a significantly higher risk of developing complications.

1- What is diabetes?
2- Diabetes is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar levels(T/F).
3- Patients with Type 2 diabetes are usually treated with   ------------------
4- A significantly higher ,in this sentence the word significantly (noun / verb/adverb/ adjective)
5- Give the passage a suitable title

Reading comprehension
B) Answer or complete the following sentence. Choose five only .
1- Why was the mother proud of Mustafa?
2- Mustafa had to stand on a chair to ........................
3- Mustafa found his mother in the ................ ( kitchen , bedroom , bathroom )
4- How did the paramedics treat Mustafa’s mother?
5- What did Zaid Tariq think when the shark bit his arm ?
6- Six dolphins------------- a) bit the shark b) made a lot of noise c) protected Tariq
7- Who rescued Tariq by boat ?
8- Insulin injections are used to------------------------?
9- When Mustafa couldn't help his mother , he ---------------------------
10- Zaid Tariq was bitten by ( dolphins / shark)

Q/2 A/ Grammar /Re – write the following sentences, follow the instruction between brackets.
1- There isn’t so much pollution in cities . (used to ) .
2- I like those shoes. Can I ( try / on / them )? ( put in the correct order)
3- She (wear) glasses, but now she( has) contact lenses.(correct)
4- Stamp collection is a nice hobby, when did you (it / up / take ). (put in the correct order )
5- I (clean) my room and I (find) £ 3o under my bedroom.
) put one verb in the past continuous and one in the past simple(
6- He ( has ) his hair cut at the hair dresser’s but now his wife ( cut) it for him.
(use the correct form of ( used to ) and the present or past simple)
7-  Most smokers take up when they are teenagers . (insert : the habit )
8- Life is worse than it used to be . (use : as----as)
9- I tried with her then she (made/ up / her /mind ) (put in the correct order )
10- I (have) a bicycle, but someone ( steal) it last week. (correct)
11- He tried to wake up her by shaking her and calling. (correct the mistake )
(put one verb in the past simple and the other in the past continuous )
12- She ( not be) so thin, but she (get) ill last year and (lose)a lot of weight. (use the correct form of used to )
13- A thief took our clothes . we ( swim) . (join use while)
14- Their attempts had not been certainly ---------------- ( successful/ successfully) .
15- I got up while it was raining (Use: when instead of while)

B/Functions /Choose one of the two words between brackets.
1- What an -------- story . (use interest as adjective with ed or ing )
2- We ( used to / didn’t use to ) have security cameras, but now we have six of them
3- There weren’t -------- People at the meeting( much , a little , many , a few.)
4- This book shows that ( bored / boring )teacher . I fall asleep whenever I try to read it.
5- Put your case in the car. There’s still............. Space left. ( Choose : a few – a little )
6- She ( walked / was walking ) home from school when she heard the police siren.
7- It was the most ( frightened / frightening ) day of my life.
8- He's a very ( interested / interesting /interest ) person
9- She is not very interested / interesting in fashion
10- What (did he use to do / does he use to do ) when he was young ?

Q3/ Vocabulary and Spelling
A/Complete the sentences with the suitable words from the box :
(pills/ throat/ painkillers /bleeding/goes up/ temperature/operator/ teenagers)
1- You have to take two of these ................. three times a day.
2- Most smokers take up The habit of smoking when they are-------------.
3- The doctor told me to open my mouth and say(Aah) then she looked at my ---------
4- In Britain, the number of diabetes ............ every year.
5- One minute I fell hot and the next minute I feel cold . I think I have a --------------
6- I've got a terrible headache . Can I have some ------------?
7- It was --------------- a lot , so she had to go to hospital and have it stitched.
8- Emergency ................. Safia Khoury took the call .

B ) Choose the best collocation .
1- What does the x – ray show ? your wrist is ------------
(hurt, burnt , fractured , swallow).
2- I've got a pain in my knee . It's really ----------------
( swallow , swollen , dizzy , dry ).
3- My lips are really ---------------- and sore .
(touch , dry , hurt , burnt ) .
4- I've got a bad wrist I (sprained /twisted) it liftingاweights in the gym
5- I (burnt/hurt) my finger on the oven
6- skin is (outside /inside)the body
7-  I've got a (sore/ pain) throat .It hurts so much .
8- The word fainted means (conscious /unconscious).
10- I went swimming yesterday and now my eyes are( sore/dizzy)

C/Write the missing word
1- Joint in the arm, w......t
2- Big, bigger ; practical,..........
3- Polite, impolite ; popular, .................
4- pushing, shaking ; surprised, .....................
5- happy, unhappy ; possible,...............
6- fair, unfair ; pleasant................
7- excite, exciting ; peace,................
8- Good better much -----------------
9- See seen , buy-------------
10- Work worked , say-------------------

Write 100 to 120 words on this topic "Cigarette advertising should be illegal


نتمى منكم الاشتراك بقناة التلكرام 
رابط قناة التلكرام هنااااا
رابط صفحة الفيسبوك هنااااا
رابط قناة اليوتيوب هنااااا
رابط المدونه الرئيسيه هنااااا
تحياتي لكم
احمـــــــد الداوودي
وتمنياتي لكم بالموفقيه والنجاح وبلوغ اعلى المراتب
شكرا لكم لمتابعه المنشور الى النهايه
التعريف بالموقع : 
هذا الموقع تابع لاحمد الداوودي بشكل رسمي وكل ما ينشر في الموقع يخضع للمراقبة وموقع احمد غير مسؤول عن التعليقات على المواضيع كل شخص مسؤول عن نفسه عند كتابة التعليق بحيث لا يتحمل موقع احمد الداوودي اي مسؤولية قانونية حيال ذلك

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تباعد السطور